Not Always Happy

People have asked me how I’m always happy, even after losing my twin sister. My answer- I’m not. And that’s okay. I know the Lord gave me emotions for a reason and it’s my job to let myself feel them. 

I want to encourage others to find joy in their grief and chaos. But, I always want to shed light on the harder emotions too. You’re allowed to feel them. Your emotions are supposed to coexist. You can feel happy and sad in the same minute- even in the same moment. 

If you have been experiencing excruciating sadness lately, know joy is still present. You just may have to look a little harder to truly find it.

He has a plan for you. It’s not your job to figure it all out. It’s okay to be confused and sad but find peace in knowing He’s got you, always. 

So, I’m not always happy. My heart feels heavy more than not. But I choose to still find joy. I still have life to live. I can’t decide what happens in my life, but I know I can choose how to handle things. 

Happiness isn’t my only emotion, but I’m always confident in my Lord and His plan. 


Face To Face With A Giant.