Face To Face With A Giant.

My twin sister, Gina passed away a little over 4 months ago. Since then, I have heavily related to David, from the story of David and Goliath.

Goliath was a massive warrior with so much strength and armor. In the story, no Israelite was brave enough to stand before Him. That was until David came along. He was a small, young, ordinary shepherd boy. David knew that he could defeat Goliath. Nobody had faith in David but he never lost heart because David knew where his power came from.

When David and Goliath were face to face, the predictable outcome was easy to imagine. But, by everyone’s surprise, David defeated Goliath with just a sling and stones. This is because the Lord was within David.

I too was face to face with a giant. It wasn’t a physical person but it was a giant and negative life altering event. I had an option on how I could handle it. From the very beginning, I chose to put my strength, confidence, and power in the Lord. I don’t fear because I know my Lord is within me. Nothing can take me down if I have Jesus.

I pray that you can find this same confidence that comes from the Lord. It allows the way of life to go by smoother. Find Him within you. He will lead and strengthen you. You won’t fail if you have Jesus. You can face anything! - Dinah Schaffer


Not Always Happy


He Works ALL Things For Good.